According to responses the creator left on the You Tube site, this is how long it took him to make this video:
40-50 hours
25 hours of rendering
2 gig bitmap data :)
resolution: 720 x 486
i did it in Inventor because i am trainer/supporter/evangelist for an Autodesk reseller who mainly sells... guess what?
Inventor :)
the explosion shows what i was able to do in that short of time i had... 1 week for modeling and animations, 2 days for rendering, 1 evening for editing and sounds&arrangement.. :))
I think this is wicked cool because Industrial Light and Magic, George Lucas special effects company, work with Autodesk products like Maya and Studio max 3D. They also use their own software called Sabre. This isnt to far off from how Hollywood does things.
Great work. Can any of you make a video like this? Make one, or two, post it to You Tube and let me know. Id be happy to link to it here.
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