
Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Asus X101

Netbook 10.1 " is ready to accompany your children learn English. Because the X101 has equipped the British Home Language Learning application made ​​by the British Council which includes hundreds of interactive games, video, and MP3.

The application was developed from the platform s Intel Performance Learning Solutions. In addition, Intel is also providing support in the form of the operating system MeeGo which by default is embedded in the Eee PC X101.  
MeeGo operating system was developed to help users stay connected through the interface that is comfortable and easy to use. Inside, mounted a special application Facebook, Twitter, instant messaging, Google Chrome browser, plus a variety of clouds- based services, such as @ vibe asus, ASUS AppStore, and Dropbox.  
ASUS claims the Eee PC netbook X101 as the thinnest and lightest in the world. Thickness of only 17.6 mm and weighs 920 grams only.  N435/N455 Intel Atom processor, 1GB of RAM, two USB 2.0 ports, a MicroSD card -reader, webcam, and 8GB SSD. ASUS Super Hybrid Engine (SHE) is also integrated to help conserve battery power.
For those of you who are reluctant to choose platforms and storage media Meego SSD, ASUS provides X101H type configuration with a 320GB HDD and Windows operating system 7 starters.
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Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Optimize Firefox Memory Usage

Firemin can reduce consumption of RAM Firefox and control so that your PCs speed not decrease because of Firefox. The Firefox Browser is famous for consuming a large amount of RAM on your computer and if you leave your computer running with Firefox, then computer RAM performance declined.
Firemin is a small app that eliminates all memory leaks in Firefox and keeps memory consumption at bay. The program runs in the system tray and constantly optimizes Firefoxs memory by forcing it to release some of the memory it so greedily hangs on to.
Firemin uses a save Microsoft API (EmptyWorkingSet) to force Firefox to release some of the reserved memory without causing stability problems.

There are similar “Firefox memory boosters” available; however, most of them are frauds (work mostly contain spyware and malware) or work using the Placebo function (if you think it will work, it will). Firemin does not contain any malware and actually do decrease Firefox memory usage, up to 95% (under 1MB in some cases). Even though Mozilla keeps claiming that they fixed their memory-leaking issues, it seems like this is not completely true. Maybe one day, but until then, Firemin will lend a friendly hand.

Although Firefox claimed that he had the memory usage improved, but Firefox still uses more RAM consumption for web browsers. Firemin is an addon for Firefox that aims to eliminate memory leaks in Firefox.

All you need to do is, just unzip and double click on the zip Firemin firemin. exe and let the addon runs.

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Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Use Free Antivirus To Keep Your Computer Safe

It is very important to keep your valuable computer safe from dangerous viruses by installing good anti virus software. Many types of antivirus software are available in the market today. They are available in different rates and with different features. Most of them offer complete safety from viruses, spy wares, malware etc.
More and more types of viruses are coming up every day so it is very important to protect your computer with good quality software. The customer will have to buy them from the software companies by giving a good amount of money, but nowadays there are many antivirus software which is completely free. Anyone can download it from the website of the software company and install them they offer complete protection and safety but people are very doubtful about their results. You can see many websites from where you can download anti virus free.
Most of the software companies provide two versions of the same anti virus software in the website; one will be a free download version and other is the commercial version. It is true that the commercial version will be much more advanced, but the fact is the protection offered by the free version is more than enough for regular computer users.
A commercial antivirus will need yearly renewals, for that you have to pay a good amount of money to the companies. This will be totally unnecessary and waste of money when you are getting good service for free for a long period of time. Some free software even regularly updates the database like the commercial ones.
If you just search the internet you will get details of plenty of free anti virus software. Most of them are readily available for easy downloading and installation. Choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. If you search in the internet systematically you can find the perfect anti virus software that suits all your needs. Choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. First you have to list the details of your needs. Only person who knows about your requirements well will be you. After listing down all your requirements you have to search in the internet for different types of antivirus software.
It will be better if you surf through different websites and note down their services and offers. Then you can make a list of software which fits your needs. Next step is a very important one you can read different comments are reviews about different software from the same website. There are also many articles available you can also make use of them for the selection. You have to put in some effort for getting a perfect anti virus because it is about the safety of your precious electronic equipment. If you are not satisfied with your anti virus system you can use more advanced methods like Descarga anti virus gratis.

Article Source:
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Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Spring and Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers AOP interceptors and deadlock retry

Before this, please refer to Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers: with annotations and Spring framework  , as the examples below are extension of this blog.

Q. How would you go about implementing a dead lock retry service using Spring and hibernate?
  • Define an annotation to annotate the methods that needs deadlock retry service. E.g.
  • Define the interceptor that gets wired up via AOP to perform the retry functionality by invoking the annotated method. E.g. DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor
  • Wire up the annotation and deadlock retry classes via Spring config. E.g. transactionContext.xml
  • Finally, annotate the method that needs perform the retry service. E.g. EmployeeServiceImpl --> saveEmployee (....)

Define a custom annotation class

package com.myapp.deadlock;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

public @interface DeadlockRetry {

int maxTries() default 21;
int tryIntervalMillis() default 100;


Define the DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor for performing retries. The above annotation will be bound to the following implementation via Spring.

package com.myapp.deadlock;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException;
import org.springframework.dao.DeadlockLoserDataAccessException;

public class DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {

private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor.class);

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Object obj = invocation.getThis();
Method method = invocation.getMethod();
Method targetMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
DeadlockRetry dlRetryAnnotation = targetMethod.getAnnotation(DeadlockRetry.class);
int maxTries = dlRetryAnnotation.maxTries();
int tryIntervalMillis = dlRetryAnnotation.tryIntervalMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) {
try {"Attempting to invoke " + invocation.getMethod().getName());
Object result = invocation.proceed(); // retry"Completed invocation of " + invocation.getMethod().getName());
return result;
} catch (Throwable e) {
Throwable cause = e;

//... put the logic to identify DeadlockLoserDataAccessException or LockAcquisitionException
// the cause. If the execption is not due to deadlock, throw an exception

if (tryIntervalMillis > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOGGER.warn("Deadlock retry thread interrupted", ie);


//gets here only when all attempts have failed
throw new RuntimeException
("DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor failed to successfully execute target "
+ " due to deadlock in all retry attempts",
new DeadlockLoserDataAccessException("Created by DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor", null));

Wire up the annotation and the interceptor via Spring config transactionContext.xml. Only the snippet is shown.

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Deadlock Retry AOP -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<bean id="deadlockRetryPointcut" class="">
<constructor-arg value="com.myapp.deadlock.DeadlockRetry" />

<bean id="deadlockRetryMethodInterceptor" class="com.myapp.deadlock.DeadlockRetryMethodInterceptor" />

<bean id="deadlockRetryPointcutAdvisor"
<constructor-arg ref="deadlockRetryPointcut" />
<constructor-arg ref="deadlockRetryMethodInterceptor" />

Finally, annotate the method that needs to be retried in the event of dead lock issues.

package com.myapp.service;

import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
//....other imports

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {

private final EmployeeTableRepository employeeRepository;
private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;

public EmployeeServiceImpl(EmployeeTableRepository employeeRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
this.employeeRepository = employeeRepository;
this.transactionManager = transactionManager;

public Employee saveEmployee(Employeee employee) throws RepositoryException {
TransactionStatus transactionStatus =
transactionManager.getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition(
try {
employee = this.employeeRepository.saveEmployee(employee);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
} finally {
if (!transactionStatus.isCompleted()) {
return employee;

//....other methods omitted for brevity

The above example gives a real life example using a custom annotation and AOP (i.e. Aspect Oriented Programming).

Note: Also refer to Spring Interview Questions and Answers for explanation on interceptors.

Q. What are the pros and cons between Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP?
A. The Spring AOP is simpler as it is achieved via a runtime dynamic proxy class. Unlike AspectJ, it does not have to go through load time weaving or a compiler. The Spring AOP uses the proxy and decorator design patterns.

Since Spring AOP uses proxy based AOP, it can only offer method execution pointcut, whereas the AspectJ  AOP supports all pointcuts.

In some cases, the compile time weaving (e.g. AspectJ AOP) offers better performance.
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Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Epson R290 Printer Blink Reset

Did you know that Cartridge original R290 chips have a system that calculates the number of print-outs that we have done?, After reaching the maximum limit of the printer cartridge will require replacement.

It also happens in R290 infusion systems, infusion systems are implemented combine chips, which are equipped with switches / switch on top of the cartridge.
The function of this switch is to reset the print cartridges if volume requires replacement cartridges, meaning we deceive R290 printer as if we had to replace with a new cartridge.

Note: almost all Epson printers using the latest type of chip that was hardly to be modified, in contrast to previous types such as R230, R250, C67, etc., which reset it can be done autonomously, for the newest types reset is performed with the help of user / the user.

Maybe youve experienced while printing, it suddenly stopped and two printer indicator light blinks alternately lit (blinking).

Heres How to reset cartridge R290:
  1. Download Resetter Tool for Epson R290 here
  2. Open the Printer Cover
  3. Remove the power cable and USB printer cable
  4. Change the date of your PC into a dated April 1, 2008
  5. Run Resetter Tool for Epson R290
  6. Begin reset your printer with Resetter Tool for Epson R290
Good luck
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Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Semester 3 Books

Semester - 3 Books Name - Which books, you are use for the study. 
  • Basic Electronics
    • Technical or Techmax
    • Integrated Electronics By Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Tata McGraw Hill Publication  - Available in Material of CE
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
    • Computer System Architecture, By M.Morris Mano - Available in Material of CE
  • Data and File Structures
    • An Introduction to Data Structures with Applicaiton by Jean Paul Tremblay & Paul G. Sorenson
    • Technical or Techmax
  • Database Management System
    • Database System Concepts, Abrahm Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarshan , McGrawHill - Available in Material of CE 
    • SQL - PL/SQL by Ivan bayross
  • Digital Logic Design
    • Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Moriss Mano  - Available in Material of CE
  • Maths - III
    • Main Book are available in Maths 
                              GTU Papers                        Semester - 3 Material

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Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

How to get current stack trace in Java for a Thread Debugging Tutorial

Stack trace is very useful while debugging or troubleshooting any issue in Java. Thankfully Java provides couple of ways to get current stack trace of a Thread in Java, which can be really handy in debugging. When I was new to Java programming, and didn’t know how to remote debug a Java application, I used to put debug code as patch release, which uses classpath to pick debug code for printing stack trace and shows how a particular method is get called and that some time provide vital clue on missing or incorrect argument. Now, When I have couple of Java debugging tips at my sleeve, I still think knowledge of  how to get current stack trace in Java for any Thread, or simply print stack trace from any point in code worth knowing. For those who are not very familiar with stack trace and wondering what is stack trace in Java, here is quick revision. Thread executes code in Java, they call methods, and when they call, they keep them in there stack memory. You can print that stack trace to find out, from where a particular method is get called in execution flow. This is especially useful if you are using lot of open source libraries, and don’t have control on all the code. One of the most familiar face of stack trace in Java is printing stack trace using Exception.printStackTrace(), when an Exception or Error is thrown in Java. In this Java tutorial, we will look at couple of ways to print and get current stack trace of a Thread in Java.
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Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Repair Hard Drive Bad Sector 2

Repair Hard Drive Bad Sector, Case No.1

Step 1. Preparation Before Repair

  • Download Hirens Boot CD 9.9 (iso file)
  • Download BurnCDCC
  • Make bootable CD, Hirens Boot CD 9.9
  • You can use the Hirens BootCD, higher version

Step 2. Damage Analysis

  • Turn on the computer, press Delete/Esc/F2 to enter BIOS
  • SATA Controller Mode. SATA Controller Mode from AHCI, changed to IDE / Compatibility
  • If the hard drive is the first boot, changed to CD/DVD Room
  • Insert Hirens CD 9.9, save BIOS setting and restart
  • When Hirens Boot CD menu appears, select Start Mini Windows XP - Enter.
  • Damage Analysis No.1 Checking system partition. How; Press START - Programs - Administrative Tools - Disk Management. Open the Disk Management to check the system partition. When the drive had bad sectors, it is likely corrupted system partition. Information from Disk Management is very important, because we can know where the bad sectors (drive C/D/E), and the effect of bad sector on the drive, so that we can take the right decision, before the repair is done.

  • Information from Disk Management, follow up with checks; locations of bad sectors and the number of bad sectors. Checking bad sectors, performed with HDD Regenerator. HDD Regenerator can be found in Hirens BootCD 9.9.
  • Damage Analysis No.2 Checking bad sectors. Restart the computer, from Hirens Boot menu select Start BootCD - Hard Disk Tools - HDD Regenerator - Enter. Enter choice = 2, Scan, but do not repair (show bad sectors). Scan, but do not repair (show bad sectors) aims, to know the location bad sectors, and the number of bad sectors in the drive.

  • Here is the bad sector scan results

  • Information from Disk Management and HDD Regenerator, gives an overview of the problems we face.
  • Because it found one bad in drive C (soft bad), the next step is, do the repairs with HDD Regenerator

Step 3. Improvement

  • The solution can be found in the video below

After successful repair :
  1. The operating system will return to normal
  2. The data on drive C will be back to normal (not required recovery data)
  3. Hard disk is still feasible to use
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